Puget Sound Business Journal: Weathering a recession as a small business

As we near mid-2023, all signs indicate a recession is likely to occur by the end of the year. But that's not the end of the world. In some ways, recessions are like small brushfires: unpleasant, but ultimately necessary for the health of the ecosystem.

Recessions are a normal and natural part of economic cycles. And they can be a major opportunity for those with the foresight to prepare.

Conditions in 2023 feel similar to the 2001-02 slide. One major difference is investor sentiment and behavior around inflation. For the past 14 years, investors have grown complacent as the Federal Reserve has stepped in again and again to adjust interest rates and make market corrections in an effort to avoid a repeat of the 2008 Great Financial Criss. But with today’s inflationary backdrop, any action the Fed takes – lowering interest rates or quantitative easing – would actually counteract the larger goal of fighting inflation. In short, some investors are in for a rude awakening.

So, what do these conditions mean for small business owners? Read Brian's five steps a small business owner can take in the full article with the Puget Sound Business Journal HERE.

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