Meet Chase Ferderer, BFA™: CWM Financial Advisor (and Super Cool Guy)

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Chase Headshot_Square_April 2024_Cropped

Chase Ferderer joined CWM in early 2024, bringing his skills and experience as a financial advisor from the corporate world to our white-glove family firm. Chase hit the ground running with impeccable instincts and a great attitude.

Q: What is your financial advisory origin story?

CF: I grew up with very financially savvy blue-collar parents. They were open and willing to discuss our family finances. I understood from a young age the costs of running a household, and basics like balancing a checkbook and using a credit card correctly. I also had some health problems and surgeries during childhood, and while my parents never burdened me with any guilt or blame, they were transparent about the sacrifices that went into those medical costs.

But the biggest financial lessons I learned in my youth revolved around delayed gratification and autonomy. When I was 13, I wanted a cell phone like most of my peers had. But my parents’ rule was that they would pay for a phone when I turned 16 and not before. So I decided to pay for it myself. I did my chores – and my brother’s, found creative ways to save, and drew up a financial plan that I presented to my parents via PowerPoint. I was so proud of that phone – both for the device itself and the independence it represented.

In college, I fell in love with economics. I’ve always believed that in order to be a good financial advisor, I need to understand the bigger picture and how individual financial decisions fit in. I started my career in 2012, first at smaller companies, and then a larger corporate shop.

Q: What drew you to CWM?

CF: CWM is truly holistic and invested in hyper-personalized service. I love the smaller, family-oriented environment here, and the high level of service this team brings to every client relationship. I want to be close to my clients, to have the flexibility to meet them where they are and facilitate those lightbulb moments.

The firm’s team-based approach was also a major factor. Our high level of service simply wouldn’t be possible at a larger firm where advisors work in silos. Here, everyone understands the importance of their role and contribution, and we have very detailed processes to ensure all of the pieces work together.

The fact that CWM clients have access to different investment models is a huge too, because no single strategy is right for everyone. I was also impressed with the timely and useful information on the CWM website. Education is such a huge part of what we do as financial advisors, and it’s essential we offer actionable and easy-to-use online resources.

Chase & Brittany

Q: How do you prefer to relate to clients?

CF: I like to be completely authentic with clients. I’m an open book. This move to CWM was not a light decision – I made it with the intention to provide better service to clients. The kind of service where I can be available and attentive, and ensure clients are engaged.

Most of all, I want clients to feel comfortable bringing things to me and being 100% honest, so we can work as partners, together, on the best strategies to reach their goals.

Chase_Luca the Dog

Q: What does your BFA™ designation bring to your financial advising practice?

CF: The Behavioral Financial Advisor designation focuses on the neurological and psychological aspects of our work. Everyone brings desires, fears, good and bad past experiences, risk tolerance, family history, and other dynamics to their outlook on investing – and that’s just as individuals. When working with a couple, financial advisors can sometimes almost function as marriage counselors.

The courses I completed for my BFA™ designation help me to understand and identify motivations and feelings, use that understanding to communicate more effectively with clients, and help partners communicate more effectively with each other. It’s important to dig deep and recognize those drivers, because ultimately, we can only advise – and ideally, clients are able to set goals, explore strategies, and make the decisions that are right for them.

Chase Cats

Q: Intentionality is a core aspect of CWM’s culture. How does intention manifest in your life?

CF: Intentionality is central to me. It’s rooted in my dedication to being a man of my word, in being worthy of trust. One of the ways I cultivate intentionality in my own life is with a friend advisory board – a group of friends I’ve known for years. We get together periodically to discuss goals, game out challenges, and seek advice, and support each other through life’s ups and downs.

My wife, Brittany, also inspires me to be more intentional, and we hold each other accountable every day. One example of our mutual commitment to intentionality came soon after we got engaged. As we embarked on wedding planning, she questioned whether we wanted to host a large, expensive event or invest in other priorities. I like nice things, but I want to be very intentional about what I spend my money on – it needs to provide me with utility. Ultimately, we decided against a giant event and opted for a backyard wedding and an intimate dinner with our family. It was the right choice for us.

Q. Tell us more about yourself and your family.

CF: Brittany and I got married in 2023, and are looking forward to starting our own family soon. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, as well as a master’s degree in Reading and Literacy; she was a teacher for a handful of years. When she wasn’t teaching, she taught herself how to computer code, and ended up going back to school to pursue a different focus, which ultimately lead her to starting a new career as a Business Program Manager at Microsoft. We live in Snohomish County, and I love working on our house and in the yard. One of our projects this year is building a garden. Brittany has always wanted a garden, and we love the idea of having fruits and vegetables right in our own backyard. We have three orange cats and a Mastiff puppy who is already quite large at 145lbs. We enjoy going for long drives and walks in our free time. I also try to make time for golfing, lifting weights, and hunting when the season comes around.

Chase & Brittany_Wedding

Q: What does living richly mean to you?

CF: To me, living richly means having a community around me and investing in relationships. In that context, financial resources help make sure that I have time for family, limited stress, enough mental resources to focus on the people I love, and the ability to help those around me along with the causes I believe in.


If you'd like to meet Chase to discuss anything from your CWM managed accounts to planning strategy, please Contact Us or call (425) 778-6160 to set up an appointment.

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