Do you have a college-bound student or recent graduate in your life? The financial steps they take today can make a big impact over their lifetime.
The college and early career years can be a make-or-break time for future lifestyle goals. Which field of study (major) will lead to a career that supports the lifestyle you want? Do you have a working understanding of your monthly budget? How do student loans work? Do you have power of attorney documents in place in case the unexpected happens?
Access our FREE library of college planning resources to help your college-bound student or recent graduate launch and into the next phase of life.
What's available in the library?
- View CWM's exclusive webinar: Financial Life Skills for Your College Bound Student
- Access to a Budget Template
- Discover the financial value of your degree
- A SAMPLE General Power of Attorney for Students
- A SAMPLE Healthcare Power of Attorney for Students
- A SAMPLE FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Form